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Latest revision as of 19:08, 22 April 2012

Private Boarding Lounge 13 in the Emberstrand Aerodome is up near the top of the building and very exclusive, to even get to the level it is on visitors have to be on the list and then pass the guards outside. The oak pannelled room has massive windows that look out over the Airship docking bays several stories below and a pair of french doors that open out onto the private loading dock that services this gathering room. A single rather beautiful moogle crafted Airship is docked at the docking gantry the AMS Dao with its chrome and oak hull gleamning in the morning sunlight as it bobs gently at rest it's gas bag holding it aloft and waiting. Inside the meeting room has a large table, comfortable chairs, refreshments laid out and the striking figure of Captain Farquan, the short moogle dressed in a stylish frock coat and hat, replete with plumes. He's waiting for the arrival of his employers guests for the next leg of his passage around the world.

Mordecai walks into the expensively decorated room after being held up by all the red tape to check if he's on the list... And by the slight apprehension of the guards due to all the weaponry he carries. Sighing a bit as he finally makes it past though, he pauses to look at the exotic ship that gently bops outside... And then at the extravagantly dressed Moogle. The older Hume nods a bit then, and reaches up to touch the brim of his own hat, rumbling out a polite enough, "Captain." Before he goes to find himself a seat, apparently being the first of the party to arrive.

Not far behind Mordecai is Jenna, apparently having the same trouble getting past the guards, what with her obvious weapons and rag-tag appearance. At last she's admitted, and swaggers into the waiting area. A quick glance is spared for the ship, and then for the well to-do decorum of the room. "Hunh." She withdraws a hand-rolled sagegrass cigarette from a shiny case, then lights it with a mechanical lighter. The burmecian blows a smoke ring in the air, before finding herself a seat opposite where Mordecai sits. She nods once to the captain, before putting her feet up on the table in front of her.

The moogle tips his at at Mordecai and then at Jenna as she steps inside, "Good day to you both, pleasure to meet ya, I am Captain Farquan of the AMS Dao here," he gestures out at his ship, "She's a beaut isn't she? I take it you'll be joining Sir Raziel on his latest trip do we have a destination yet?"

Mordecai looks over at Jenna as she steps in with a swagger, and he nods over at her by way of greeting. He then looks over at the Captain however as the Moogle starts to speak, and he soon responds afterwards in his gruff baritone, "I'm Mordecai... And yes, on both counts." Briefly glancing at the ship again for effect, before leaning back some, "Any idea when the Aegyl will arrive?" Mordecai also adds, "And I think I heard something about the Golmore jungle."

Jenna stretches lightly, and plucks her cigarette from between her lips as she exhales. "M'name's Jenna," she chimes in. "An' yes, seems I'll be along for the ride." She looks out the window with more interest, and tilts her head appreciatively. "I ain't much of an expert on airships," she adds, "But I know good workmanship when I see it, Captain Farquan. You've somethin' to be proud of over there."

The captain puffs up at Jenna's praise and smiles, "Why thank ye kindly Misstress Jenna, the old Dao is the finest to ever come out of Baguba Ports dockyards. She is a fine ship, well appointed and turned out for our service my crew be the finest air moogles to grace the skies as well." He glances at Mordecai and removes his hat and flips it onto the table, "Can't say, he should have been here by now," He glances at his watch and shakes his head, "No sign of the others either, mayhaps they got caught up in business I am sure they will be along."

Mordecai nods some at the Captain's answer, then shrugs and leans back in his chair again, getting comfortable while he waits.

Jenna shrugs, and positions her cigarette between her lips once more. "Well, I s'pose we can't all operate on military precision," she muses. "Some people say everyone ought to pull a stint in the army. Teaches discipline, they say. ...They don't mention the parts where you get shot, stabbed, burnt, and so forth, but I'm all for it -- expectin' folks to show up timely-like is worth it."

Lesson number one: When your late never rush. Moments after Jenna speaks the door to the lounge is swung open and a golden winged Aegyl steps in. His eyes sweep over the room and land upon Farquan for a moment before lifting to assess Mordecai and Jenna both. He sucks on his bottom lip in thought, a faint narrowing of eyes coming as well and then the man approaches, nodding to Farquan as he does, but without taking his eyes off the other pair. "My apologies something came up."

The moogle captain smiles and waves a paw, his wings flapping idly, "Think nothing of it laddy, is your money that has us all here and waiting." he smiles and glances at the door. "We expecting others?" He glances at Jenna and shakes his head, "You don't want to be in the army lassy, bad discipline in the army you want the navy! Now that teaches proper discipline." Mordecai puts on a bit of a wry smirk at Jenna's statements, and seems about to respond when he looks over at the opening door instead, arching his brow a bit in what might be mild surprise as the golden winged Raziel steps in. Studying the Aegyl for a moment, he raises a hand in greeting then, and speaks up, "Hello, boss."

Jenna perks an eyebrow upwards. "I've already been in the army," she replies, her tone going a touch cooler than it was a moment ago; and that, it would seem, is all she has to say about that. The burmecian tilts her head up to watch the Aegyl's entrance, and after Mordecai's greeting she lifts a hand to tap her forehead, before plucking her by now half-burnt cigarette from her lips. "Afternoon," she greets, and bobs her head. "This it, then? Or are we waitin' on more?"

Raziel's eyes move between the two quietly and then he looks down to the moogle while shrugging his shoulder. "I couldn't tell you. The recruiting for this leg was... taken out of my hands. Now the recruiter might be able to tell us more." He looks between Jenna and Mordecai once again before noting to Mord, "my name is Raziel. You do not need to call me boss as I don't think I am it in this case." And then he looks at Jenna, considering her before asking, "got a name, miss?" The Captain settles back and idly plays with his hat, he perks up at something he sees through the window but doesn't comment on anything for now letting the party introduce themnselves to one another.

Mordecai nods at the Aegyl, and responds, "Noted. I'm Mordecai... Your friend from the rooftop hired me. Asked me to hire Miss Jenna here." He motions at the Burmecian, "As well as the Summoner Marduke. Aside from that, I hear the Imp Thaylorn will show up again. Apparently he helped you last time?" He shrugs then, "Anyway, we're waiting on those last two to show up." Marduke pages, "Ugh, seems I am late :(" to you.

Jenna points towards Mordecai, "Guilty as charged. Jenna's the name of this particular sultry bitch," she replies. She finally takes her legs down off the table, and stands up. She saunters off to casually extinguishes the remnants of her cigarette on a window sill before flicking it right out the window entirely. "So, while we're waiting, this might be a good time to fill some of us in on the situation and the plan?"

"No friend of mine," Raziel responds simply to Mordecai while dropping his bag onto the seat then folding his arms as he leans up against the side of the chair. "Marduke I know, and Thaylorn of course." He nods to himself before looking back at Mordecai once again, "well.. since Mordecai seems to have a line to who recruited him. Perhaps he'll know a bit more. Why don't you tell what you know and I'll fill in the pieces." Speaking of which, Marduke steps in as his name is mentioned and taps his staff into the floor as he glances around. He offers a nod to all and a touch of a smile. Yet he keeps quiet as he slowly moves over to a seat, carrying a backpack slung across his back as the whole of his traveling supplies

The french doors that lead out onto the docking bay open and a golden furred imp floats inside, her eyes are piercing silver and she regards the group then lands gently on the table and bows. "Master Thaylorn is waiting aboard the Dao. I appologise for our tardiness in arriving but we had much to discuss," She bows to everyone in turn, "I am the Lady Alliandre, Servitor to Lady Andromeda and assigned unto this Quest to aid Lord Raziel, Keeper of the Stellazzio coins, I believe we are only taking the recently liberated Leo with us on this quest, the others shall be remaining in a safe and guarded location." She settles onto the table as the Captain Farquan pipes up, "Well this is everyone except the water imp so we might as well get on with it then we can set sail."

Mordecai opens his mouth to respond to Raziel when Marduke walks in, and he glances over at the summoner before nodding, "Well, there's the Summoner." He then turns back to Raziel, and attempts to speak once more... But again, he's distracted, this time by the golden Imp floating in. Arching his brow a bit as he listens to her, he motions at the Aegyl then, "Well... I admit I might be somewhat in the know... But I assume the Lady Alliandre here can tell you even more than I can."

"What're Stellazzio Coins, when they're at home?" Jenna hops up to sit on the window sill, positioning one foot up in the opposite corner, and the other one dangling down -- inside the building, rather than out, fortunately. "Would prob'ly help in volumes to know what they look like, Lady. If y'don't mind me jumpin' the gun with questions, that is."

Raziel finally stops staring down Mordecai and turns to the golden imp, nodding quietly to her before turning his eyes to Marduke and offering him a nod. Reaching up he draws a small leatherbound bag from a string around his neck and lifts from it a metal coin which he turns back and forth before slipping it away. "There are spirits of a sort attatched to each of the coins. This started out as a way to make amends for my people, but has evolved. We are... rescuing the coins from those who would pervert them for evil. I can't give any of you a reason to join with me, but each of you were obviously chosen for a reason.." He looks at Mordecai then sweeps his eyes to Jenna and Marduke both, "though I have not been given the knowledge of what that reason may be and I suppose we will have to..." he pauses as if hating to say the next thing, "trust in what we do not know."

Marduke rises up and offers the imp a bow, "A honor to meet you, and my regards to Lady Andromeda." Before he retakes his seat, then glances over to Raziel and nods slowly at that. "If they are perverting the power of the coins and they have spirits attached to them in a way, that is enough for me to help." Leaving it at that as he leans back and rests his staff on his right shoulder.

Lady Alliandre inclines her head to Marduke then looks at the coin and touches it, "In Lady Andromeda's court there are 12 spirits, the 12 signs of the Zodiac, guardians, guides, they are many things and yet they are not truly there. In ages past there were more of them for you see each spirit of the Zodiac is one of the Lucavi... a bright reflection of what they could have been, what they should have been and through them is Lady Andromeda's vision both clearer and yet fogged for each has a specific sphere in which they operate." She settles onto the table and looks at the coin, "Long ago these coins were created, symbols of the spirits known as the Stellazzio they stood in pride of place within Lady Andromeda's temple." She sighs and stares out the window, "After a great disaster they were scattered... the coins lost, hidden, a great... arguement erupted over who Lady Virgo would choose to be her consort now however a dark power, a deep evil is unleashed, the Sorcoress Ultmeicia has escpaed the timeless voic between life and death and she seeks the coins to use in her campaign to regain her lost power." She sighs and her ears fold back, "Lady Virgo has already been taken and I fear others are endangered as well."

Mordecai listens in silence to both Raziel and Alliandre... Meanwhile meeting the Aegyl's stares head on, giving him an unreadable gaze in return. But after both speak, he nods, and looks around at everyone else in turn, before speaking up, "Well, seems we're here to stop this Ultimecia, or whoever her agents might be who're after the next coin... And if the spirits picked us to do it, there will likely be a good reason, so it doesn't serve to dwell on it too much. Let's just get going and save the world."

Jenna hunhs softly. "Save the world, hunh? ...Sounds like I might turn out to be good fer sumthin' afterall." She pulls her revolver out of its holster, and flips the chamber open. "So, do we have a plan of attack, or are we just going to go over there, stomp around, and hope for the best?" Her tone of voice seems to indicate that she'd be equally happy with either method. As she speaks, she checks each bullet loaded in her revolver, before snapping everything back into place and returning it to the holster on her leg. "Well, anyhow. I'm ready to get goin'."

Raziel looks at Alliandre and after a moment or two he inclines his head in responce to the full explanation she gives. He looks thoughtful for a moment and then lifts his pack and shoulders it. "Each of the coins tells a story.." the man murmurs before beginning to recite as he nods to Farquan to lead the way to the ship. "The eleven Zodiacs pondered. How best to catch Virgo's heart? Aries headed east. Taurus had an idea. He would give Virgo a gift. Through the forest and over the mountain, he found a star. Gemini thought by the river, 'I will sing her a song'. Cancer headed to the cape where Virgo waited. The sun was setting into the ocean. Would he finally see her?. Leo was waiting for the sun to set into the ocean. Then Cancer showed up, and they began to fight. Into the ocean they fell..." He pauses and then adds to Jenna, "as well as a legend that will guide us.. in short we must find Borneth's tomb.. Kharma will show us that.." He starts to depart the lounge then, but recites the poem he had previously memorized.

  • With Leo held in the Champion's grasp,
  • Beware for Lady Virgo has been clasped,
  • The Soul Unseen, the Enemy Exposed,
  • Her darkness only a hero can oppose,
  • Keeping watch in Scorpio's shadow,
  • Lies Libra's home beneath Borneth's Meadow
  • Walk the path to Garden's sorrow,
  • A new light dawns come the first tomorrow.

Marduke closes his eyes as he listens to all this considering. Only opening them after Raziel finishes his last part and shakes his head slowly, "We have quiet the journy ahead of us. Finding lost items like these is never easy." Eyes looking around the room as he considers and nods. Then offers a faint smile, "Just let me know where you need me." Closing his eyes again as he listens.

Alliandre listens to the poem then holds out a tightly furled scroll to Captain Farquan, "Captain this will lead us to the Tomb of Borneth, it lies deep within the Golmore Jungle." She looks around and smiles, "I have faith that this company brought together by the will of the Spirit Kingdom will triumph over the dark evil that is arrayed against us."

Mordecai starts to push himself up from his chair, and idly checks over his gear for a moment before he looks up again, pale eyes sweeping over everyone in the room, "I've been to Golmore before... It's a dangerous place. Hot, sweltering, and full of crazy things that want to kill you. Including some unpleasant Viera tribes... Make sure you bring plenty of water and food when we're in there, and keep a weapon or your magic close at hand."

Jenna ehs softly, and hops down off her window sill. "I never go anywhere without my gun and my swords," she asserts, "So no worries there. I've been to Golmore before too, during my service, but we didn't stick around for long. ...Just long enough for two of the boys to get vieran made arrows as fashion accessories, right in the forehead." She draws her sword, and turns it over, inspecting the mirror shine the blade has been polished to before pushing it back into the scabbard. "Shall we?"

"I have heard the rumors," is all Raziel offers as he continues towards the lounge exit. "If the imp is aboard the ship then we haven't anything more to be waiting for. We all seem to be in accord."

Marduke cracks a eye open to Mordecai, "It will also mean I should not summon my Mist dragon pact either." Sitting up a bit more straight as he glances to Raziel and nods, "Indeed, we still have a long flight down to the jungles." getting to his feet slowly and leaing into his staff, "I will admit I have never been in a jungle yet."

Captain Farquan bounce supa nd pushes open the French Doors and leads the way a long the dock and through the open hatch in the side of the Dao's hull. It leads into a very plush reception room, thick red carpets underfoot, oak panels on the walls, a couple of moogles dressed in dapper blue sailor uniforms salute their captain and once everyone is aboard begin to dog the hatch. "Well," The Captain says as he looks around at his passengers, "Welcome aboard, First Mate Schewe and the Steward," he indicates another two moogles who have just entered, "Will see you up to your rooms, Lady Alliandre, Lord Thaylorn and Lord Raziel you are in Staterooms on A deck near my own and the officers quarters. Everyone else I've assigned quarters to you on B deck. I'll go give the orders to get underway and Lord Raziel I have appointed the A deck Conference room at the aft end of my ship to be used as your parties gathering chamber for the duration of the flight. It is at least a week to Golmore."

Mordecai starts following the Captain onto the ship, hoisting his own pack onto his shoulder as he goes... And he just nods some at the sailors before he lets himself be shown to his room. Nothing in his behavior indicating he's insulted by being appointed a room on the B deck, even though he did most the legwork for this job. he just takes some time to settle into his room, putting his things in order, before wandering back out to explore a bit.

Jenna follows along behind Mordecai, allowing herself to be shown to her room. Along the way, she produces a second cigarette, which she lights with the same mechanical lighter as before. If she's impressed by her surroundings, it doesn't show any further than a glance at the well appointed reception room. "...Just hope we don't get into any battles with sky pirates," she comments to Mordecai, once they're out of the Captain's hearing. "I'm not entirely convinced that all this luxury has left room for stuff like, 'y'know, cannons." ) [Spoofed By: Jenna]

Raziel looks to the captain for a few moments before he inclines his head in silent thanks for the trouble the man is going to for them. He too lets himself be shown to the room, though can be heard muttering something like 'not sure about all this lord stuff..' under his breath. Once his things are stored away the mage finds his way back to the ship and moves into a out of the way spot to watch the city as they depart.

Marduke just offers a soft chuckle from where he is walking behind Jenna, "Don't underestimate Moogle engineering. This is one of the finest crafts I have seen, and one of the strongest. THough that could make it a target, and plenty of large flying monsters that wont' know the difference and attack. Though I suspect we will be fine until we land." A smile is given as he is told where his room is to be, "Most appriciated." A grin then to Raziel, "Why Lord Raziel, I think it suits you just fine. Not as lucky as me to avoid such honorfics or titles as I have then at least." Winking and going to move on his way to get to know what parts of the ship he can visit.

You are led to your respective rooms, show how to summon a steward, meals will be served in the Conference room three times a day and you can request additional meals or food should you wish. There is however no Alcohol on board except for the Captain's special supply for special events and dinners. You are welcome to go anywhere on A, B or C deck or the boat deck but access to lower decks is restricted unless you should be on an official tour which they would be happy to provide you with. Shortly after you are all shown to your rooms the AMS Dao begins to lift up away from the Aerdrome, Emberstrand spread out below it as the engines whine into life and settle into a steady thrum as you turn into the southern wind and start to cross the river, leaving the city behind your journey to Gomore has begun!

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