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Latest revision as of 15:37, 12 January 2012

The race collectivly known as imps are a strange bunch, infernal, fell chaotic beings whose ancestral descent can be tied back to the spirit realms. Amongst themselves and the spirits they are known Imps, a capricious sometimes viscious breed of creatures. Your average imp is a short creature around three to five feet tall and can be furred or not depending on the breed. One thing they all have in common is the long, prehensile tail, jagged upswung ears and sleek, narrow muzzles. The one thing that has little variation are the segmented amber eyes, strange irisis, broken down into circular segments that turn and spin around one another as they work their magic.

The segmented nature of their eyes changes as they grow and develop in power. An example would be a fire imp. Their eyes would have but a single rotating ring at the early level when they know fire. But it would increase to a double ring for fira, triple for firaga etc.

History states that the imps are servants of the spirits, messengers for the most part though always waring and wrangling with their fellow imps for power and position. They are not quite elemental beings but long-lived mortals whose family line reflect and take on the elemental domain of the spirit they serve. It is said imps can live from up to five/six hundred years and there are rumours of older ones granted power by their lord and patron spirit/father Rael whose dwelling is the impossibility palace.

Throughout the ages history speaks of the imps who have walked the world. Capricious, devilish beings who love to play games with others. Generally cruel, rather spiteful little games. They are tricksters, pranksters and have a deep seated need to dominate others. That is not to say however that they cannot be just, fair and even sometimes honourable just in their own twisted fun loving way.

As for why an imp walks the world of mortals the reason varies from case to case, lineage to lineage. Some spend time on Terra because it is part of their right of passage to be recognized as an adult. Others are banished from their home realm whilst others decide there are better and brighter oppurtunities out in the world.

They tend to not be the most physically strong creatures beyond natural muscle built up from flying. However they are powerful in regards to magic. Most of them have a primary elemental bias. Fire imps from the Infernus tend to be coloured in reds and yellows with heavy set stocky builds that wield fire magic. Imps from the realms of Shiva tend to be blues and whites with slim slender bodies and a ferocious knack for ice magic. Imps from more abstract realms such as knowledge, civilization or the cycle tend to have magic that relies heavily on conventions such as naming or time and it is harder to pin down just what element their family lineage adheres too.

There are usually one or two imps in any city, some live simply for the sake of living having fun and enjoying life. Others pick a trade they find amusing and stick with it. Many a master alchemist, treasure hunter or maker of elemental objects is an imp who finds it fun. It is rare to find one working a mundane and boring job though every now and then one will manage to worm his way into the ear of a noble as an advisor. Not always trusted, often blamed for things they didn't do which only leads them to do things out of fun and in the name of revenge which doesn't help their reputation. Over-all however they are members of society and most people will have heard of them though calling them "Productive" is not something many people would stretch too.

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