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Latest revision as of 16:01, 12 January 2012

The Shumi in the days before the folly where a species who existed only as rumour, never seen outside of there deep, hidden underground villages. They blend nature and technology together to build themselves reclusive and quiet enclaves where they can thrive. When the folly occurred and the mists rolled over the land many of these hidden enclaves fell to the madness and destruction that rent the world in twain.

When the madness of that time started to fade they where a well known face upon the face of Ivalice. Gathering together the remnants they could they retired to the northern portions of the continent and built themselves a new home. The great under-ground cavern of Farlai was dug and linked to the surface via an intricate steam powered elevator. Utilising their magic and craftsmanship they made the cavern bloom with life. A serene, quiet place where they can let their love of crafts and art.

They have more then one village in this day and age but they are all built along similar lines. A cavern beneath the ground brought to life. A blending of technology and simple natural decor. A pleasent and welcoming enviroment in which to live. Normally the Shumi seen in public or in other places are the Elder's or those who would rather explore the art of the mercantile as those who dedicate themselves to artwork and crafting do not tend to travel far from home. These artworks can take many forms, sculpture, painting, machinery, all types of creating and building are considered art by the Shumi and theirs tends to be the most graceful.

The Shumi are known for their artwork and crafts, the majority of them famed for their dedication to peaceful persuits and the crafting of great works of art. With stability mostly restored to the world they have returned for the most part to their isolation and peaceful contemplation. But their Elders have decided to keep open the links they established during their years of wandering. This foster's trade, makes it possible to lget hold of materials for their work and has created a market for them in the bazaars of the world.

The Shumi are known in most major population centres and some of their goods tend to be on sale by merchants and are well known to pick up very hefty prices. Trade is conducted normally out of the Shumi village with caravans travelling to a great auction once a year. It is normally the tradition that the merchants do not bid in money for the artworks and crafts for sale but rather they offer raw materials that the Shumi need for their continuing works.

Many enigma's and mysteries shroud the Shumi people however. It is known that at certain stages of their lives Shumi pass through an evolution. During the years in which they are spent crafting and working they appear as tall, pale skinned humanoids with very long delicate fingers well suited to masterful works.


The Shumi are a strange people. There are no documented notes on genders or reproduction habits. The only Shumi ever seen by the people of the world are adults or the Elders. At a certain point in a Shumi's life they enter a cocoon stage and when they emerge it is as something else. It is not clear what causes this evolutionary stage to begin but the final result seems to be tied to the individuals personality.

A shumi who has great leadership skills, steeped in wisdom and abilities that the Shumi as a whole will benefit from tend to emerge as Elders. Taller, more graceful Shumi who carry the wisdom of their years and lend their insight and knowledge to their villages and also oversee most contact with the outside world.

Generally however the Shumi when they evolve become a creature that is known as a Moomba. Short bi-pedal creatures with brilliant flame red-fur covering their bodies. They are mute not speaking in any known tongue and seem to dedicate themselves to helping others. They have a tendency to leave the Shumi home villages and go out into the world and work.

The Shumi hold the moomba in the highest regard and will go out of their way to be accomodating and helpful. Moomba do not seem to age, they do not procreate, they live, they exist, and then, after an undetermined amount of time, it is said they return to the Shumi villages to once more enter an evolutionary state.

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