AChapter 9

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The Temple of the Imps in old Rabanastre, The Royal Palace rises intact and beautiful at the centre of the otherwise crumbling ruin. After their various adventures down below with Vikris in the tomb of the Queen and out at the canals Formerly Shrouded in Mist the part are back in the safety of the main palace building where the shrines to the Imps various masters are housed. After being given time to freshen up, eat and rest after their ordeal down in the catacombs the party are healthy, well rested and ready to be off to Emberstrand but Lee has requested a moment to do something personal so the party are waiting for him right now.

Hanging back as the others make their preparations to leave, Silmeria sits down near the entrance to the shrine to Hades, Iluren resting across her lap. The oilcloth is brought out, and the Esper resumes the polishing work begun in Vikris' chambers, lips moving in silence as she makes her prayer to her patron and father, thank him for his guidance, and reporting on her adventures.

Lee finishes his own packing, having had only a little of it to do, before he starts looking for Kal; only fair to tell the group's guide when he'll be back, after all, "Oy... I shouldn't be too long, I figure, if'n anyone asks." That said, and with a tip of his hat to the imp, he quietly makes his way away from the group, passing by Silmeria on his way. He pauses near her, though, quiet for a moment, before quietly asking perhaps a rather odd question, seemingly without context, "Should I be careful?"

Silmeria looks up from her polishing, the cloth resting on the rune-etched blue blade, eyebrows rising. "...That would depend on what you intend to do," she says after a moment's consideration. "Would there be a reason to be cautious, Master Lee?" In a page-pose to you, Raziel sneeks up and burbles a belleh

Lee gives Silmeria a crooked grin, though there's tension beneath it, and it seems his heart isn't in the expression like it usually is, a somewhat forced laugh accompanying it, "Oh, I'm only goin'ta see my maker, is all..." He pulls his hat off, examining the brim, his shaggy bangs screening his crimson eyes, "An' I fear I've no inklin' o'whether I need be cautious or not, as I've a heavily checkered past o'sorts; plenty o'reason, accordin' t'some, an' per'aps not much reason accordin' t'others. S'why I ask."

An icicle slips down the back of Lee's shirt a Kal bobs down out of mid air, the curious imp has followed and listened and turns upside down as he watches the other. "I think its a dangerous thing to do... and a wise one maybe. Whilst you are here you might as well give it a go. Worse comes to worse he just turns off the power-beam and splatters you over the bottom of the tower."

Silence reigns, for a good deal of time, as SIlmeria purses her lips in thought. Finally, however, she tilts her head, and opens her mouth, only to be pre-empted by Kal's mischief. Unable to stifle a snort of amusement, the blond Esper simply shakes her head. "Respect, certainly. Not only is He your maker, but, also He's one of the greatest of the great. Go to him with respect, and love, and all should be well. I wish I could be more certain, Master Lee, and I am sorry... but they're all as different from each other as flakes of snow, and of your sire I know little, and see less."

Lee jumps with a startled "Gya!" as the ice goes down his back, squirming and dancing to shake the frozen water out of his shirt as quickly as possible, huffing and jamming his hat back on his head afterward as he half-glares at Kal, "I think fallin' t'my death's th'least o'my worries, really..." Silmeria's answer silences him again, the black-clad man listening quietly, then nodding when she finishes, "Thank you... I'll be back afore too long, Miss Silmeria. I hope..." He tips the brim of his hat to Silmeria and Kal both as he resumes his walk down the corridor, making his steady way to the shrine of Bahamut, where he pauses, like before, outside the threshold, chewing his lip in a show of anxiousness.

Kal lands next to Silmeria and watches the be-hatted man walk off, "Go with him Silmeria.... that is my advice... he ha always liked Hades."

Silmeria glances askance at Kal, raising an eyebrow. "Indeed...? Well. We'll be back, then." Levering herself to her feet, she stows her Gunblade in its place under her backpack, hurrying to catch up with Lee. "...It occurs to me that you might feel better for, eh... moral support? Master Lee."

Lee blinks and looks over his shoulder as Silmeria catches up with him, certainly surprised, "Ah, well... Thank you, Miss Silmeria. I do very much appreciate it. Please, you can dispense wi'tha "master" business, though." He gives a slight grin, "Makes me feel old, it does, savvy?" He turns back to face the entrance to the shrine again, looking for any attending imps, taking a few breaths... Working up his nerve... Stalling.

Inside the masive black onyx tower the beam of purple laced light that seems to support the massive crystal can be seen. Standing at the base of it are two imps. Their scaled forms glttering, purple and black and red as they approach and bow then step outside to take up positions on either side. "Kal told us you were coming, we shall make sure you are not disturbed."

"You know," Silmeria murmurs at Lee's side, eyebrows rising, "Lord Bahamut demands a great deal of toil and strain from those SUmmoners who would seek audience with him... but first they have to *act.*" And just in case the verbal prod might not have been enough, the Esper's elbow hudges him, faintly, toward the pillar of light.

Lee looks at the two imps, back and forth, clearing his throat and nodding, then shuffling a step as he's nudged, looking back at Silmeria, his nerves showing clearly for a brief second before he puts on a dour expression to mask it, "Yeah, well... I'm no summoner." Seems the prodding worked, though, as he steps across the threshold and makes his way to the pillar of light, pausing only slightly before closing his eyes and stepping into it.

The moment Lee steps foot within the light turns a dark shade of purple... it is almost black with a corona of light and the man goes hurtling skyward until he is left hanging in the air next to the crystal. Nothing ele happens, the large blue shard just glitters gently beneath the stars as if waiting for something else.

Once Lee is hurled skyward, Silmeria clears her throat, stepping up to the pillar. "Well," she murmurs to herself, "this should be a... singular... experience..." Drawing in a deep breath, she steps into the light herself, waiting to be hauled toward the crystal.

Lee spends a few long moments staring at the crystal, Silmeria's arrival opposite him drawing his attention only briefly, though it seems by the flash of surprise on his face that he didn't expect her to follow him. He turns his focus back to the crystal quickly, though, taking a long, slow breath before looking from it to the sky above him, speaking quietly, "Father, I'm... I'm sorry. I know y'must be disappointed in me... In what I've done, in what I've become. I can't 'elp but feel I bring shame t'you, tainted as I am." A short, choked laugh escapes him, "Hell, I 'alf expect y'ta strike me down where I stand, for th'abomination I've become. I never thought I'd get a chance t'say anythin' t'ya, not like this, so... Jus' want ya t'know I'm sorry. Sorry fer my failure, in allowin' that bitch t'make me into this," he says, gesturing to himself with a grimace, "an' for loosin' myself in th'darkness of it." He takes another breath, sighing, "Th'only consolation I 'ave is that m' mother never got to see me like this."

Lee's words are softly spoken and Silmeria has to strain to hear them a they seem to get sucked into the crystal as it floats and turn and sparkles in the cold night air. Over-head the stars themselves burn brightly, cloer then they seemed from the ground and suddenly without warning the crystal cracks in half and darkness consumes the pair of them as they are sucked unceremoniously into the swirling vortex of power and colour that suddenly reveals itself in the heart of the crystal....

Silmeria blinks as the words are whispered, face scrunching up in gentle puzzlement as she strains to decipher them. An attempt, sadly cut short as the crystal cracks open, and she rears back, a startled squak falling from her lips. "Um... Lee...? ...Oh dear." is all she has time to say, before the vortex claims them.

Lee keeps his eyes on the stars above, silent, until the crystal cracks, attention snapping to it from the sky above. His expression is one of sad resignation, giving Silmeria an apologetic smile, "Sorry fer gettin' ya killed, Miss Silmeria." And he closes his eyes, expecting oblivion, as Silmeria and himself, are sucked into the vortex. Oblivion and Death are much noisier then they should be, slowly but surely sound intrudes on the quiet of the grave! Shortly followed by warm water vapour settling over the pair and slowly waking them back up to bright sunshine scattering through the misty air and splitting into a hundred thousand rainbows....

Silmeria stirs, shaking her head and pushing herself up as the mist brushes her cheeks. "Wh...?" Pausing to look about them, the Esper passes a hand over her face, frowning in puzzlement. "...I'm... pretty sure we're not dead, Lee... Trust me... I'd know."

Lee rolls to his hands and knees, the presence of sunlight getting the habitual reaction out of him of making sure his hat is set atop his head to properly shield himself, a bit of a groan escaping him as well, "Not dead? How kin y'- Well, scratch that question; y'right, guess y'might know a li'l sumfin' on th'subject." Climbing to his feet, he takes a look around, "But if we ain't dead, then... Damn my imagination, but "not dead" don' necessarily mean "Better off"."

As the two look around they can easily see they are upon a large natural formation of rock that juts out over a massive cliff... Behind them a river split around the rock in a mighty surging crash, the source of the water vapour. The river then tumbles over the edge of a mighty cliff and plummets out of sight. The ledge is bordered by a stone baulstraude and stands six feet above the roaring water as it hurtles off the edge of the cliff to fall down toward the mountain side far below. Rainbows sparkle and crack below them and above and behind a large tranquil cemetary stretches out with beautiful monuments and behind it the mountain continues upwards... upwards beyond sight. The roaring growling charging spray of the water-fall so close however draws the eyes back from the mountain, back from the Cemetary to the open end of the ledge and the crashing roar and the view... through the mist and sparkling rainbows the view draws the eye...

"Lee," Silmeria murmurs softly, rising to her feet and placing a hand on the dragon's shoulder, "be at peace. This is not a place of pain, or fear..." Indeed, as she looks out over the cemetery, for just a moment a brief flicker of her true face, the bone-white skin and black eyes and hair that mark her *truly* about her work, can be seen. And for that single heartbeat, the Handmaiden of Death is truly pleased, to see the dead at rest. "Come," she says after a beat, turning to look up the mountain. "I believe... we have a path to walk." Lee is currently 11 minutes idle and may not get back to you soon.

Lee takes in the view of what he can see, his eye drawn, and his feet following, to the view over the falls. He pauses only briefly as Silmeria's hand rests on his shoulder, but the view draws him on again, his reply rather distracted, "Path... I jus' love paths... Be wi'ya inna minute..." He continues forward, his feet leading him to step up to the balestraude and look over into the mists, gloved hands resting on the stone.

As Lee stands on the edge of the Ledge his gaze darts from place to place, down there, below.... the world... the great cities. The deserts and forests all leaping into clear view from moment to moment... spirit realms. From the depths of the Abyss to the heights of Alexander's tallest towers. They are all there... spread out below and revolving.. spinning around this gigantic mountains whose roots are shrouded in mist. Standing there soaked by the rainbow hued spray of the Falls of Hope Silmeria gets a glimpse of Lee's true form but is able to sway with the sudden wave of power and not lose her footing just as Lee is able to withstand the sudden onslaught of being able to see everything. It is a precarious place the Ledge of Hope and as the sun shimmers through the wall of mist a figure can be seen approaching. They have feathered wings and scales sparkle in every colour, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet in the light. A tuft of iridescent fur tips the end of this mighty dragons twitching serpentine tail, and battle-hardened eyes peer from beneath an ancient bronze helmet. His wings suddenly back before the ledge and he blocks off the view from Lee snapping the man back out of his stupour as claws grip the ledge and the dragon is suddenly not quite as large as he was. Still taller then Lee and Silmeria but fitting comfortably on the ledge now, regarding them both.

Silmeria rocks back on her heels, dazed by the outpouring of power from the reserved brawler. Shaking her head, she turns away in time to spot the arrival of the rainbow-colored serpent. Stepping back as Lee's view is blocked by the feathered wings, the Esper drops immediately to one knee, bowing her head. "I... It's an honor to meet you, my Lord," is about all she can manage at the moment.

Lee can't help but gasp as the view of Absolutely Everything takes his breath away, the young-looking man attempting to memorize landmarks and features almost by habit, as is the nature of one who flies, even though there's little chance he will ever see these skies, let alone fly them, again. There's no fear of heights in him, though, the dizzying view actually comforting in some ways instead. The sudden blocking of the view snaps him out, most assuredly, and he stumbles back a step or three before he drops to one knee before Bahamut, head bowed, his greeting far simpler, reverent, and, yes, fearful, a single word uttered as both name and title, "F-Father..."

The Dragon of Rainbows, Lord of Hope regards the pair then speaks, "Not your father, but be welcome Oidhchecloca Coimheadair, Handmaiden Silmeria also. Welcome to the Ledge of Hope." Valigarmanda folds his wings and looks down at you both, rainbows scattering and cascading around his body. "I have been asked to inform you that he will speak with thee and that it has been much too long. Your avoidance of him for so long has not gone un-noticed and thus he does not grant thee the Twelve Pillars but ascends now."

Silmeria bows her head in silence, hands spreading out to either side. "I thank you, Lord of Hope, for your welcome and your message." With that, she says little more. She is, after all, merely an Esper sent to a realm not her own, and is the equal of none save perhaps Lee. Lee pages, "Confused: Vali is saying Bahamut is coming, or telling me/us to go to him?" to you. You page, "Bahu is coming, but Bahu is snubbing you by not inviting you into the Throne Room up top because you has avoided him for so long" to Lee.

Lee seems to shiver as he's called by his true name, responding quietly, still bowed, careful with his pronunciation to the point that only a hint of his usual thick accent remains, "Forgive me the mistaken identity, Lord." The news that Bahamut is coming at all causes his breath to catch, and it's a moment before he can continue, "I am humbled that He would deign to even speak to one such as I."

Valigarmanda regards the dragon before him, "He will speak with you child... for you are of his blood. Handmaiden Silmeria, we will stand witness and give voice to thoughts that come to us." The dragon then point a wing back past Lee and Silmeria toward the mountain were a black speck is approaching. "He comes... the King comes...." he then bows as the gigantic form of he who is King over All spreads his wings and flapping to slow himself lands in from of Silmeria on the edge of the Ledge of Hope. He does not shrink like the Rainbow Dragon did. He towers MASSIVELY above all and stares down with red eyes at those gathered before him.

Silmeria dips her head further as the titanic wingbeats thunder overhead, pressing her fingertips to the floor of the ledge, just enough to steady herself against Bahamut's landing. "...Great Lord," is all she says as the crash fades away, voice as steady as she can make it.

Lee turns himself to face the direction from which Bahamut comes, remaining bowed over one knee as he finds himself shaking slightly, unable, in the face of the presence of the mightiest Dragon, to re-utter his faltering greeting, mistakenly given to Valigarmanda just moments ago. Only a choked sob escapes him, his sense of shame and fear hanging about him almost like a cloak, heavy on his shoulders.

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