Interlude - Recovering Losses

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"By the sweat of Hades, he was actually one of the smart ones." Kulgkar kicks Trigger's bullet ridden body over, reaching down to pull off one of his pouches. "Good thing whoever it was hightailed it after the fire." He stuffs the pouch into a bag and takes a swig from his aleskin. He turns his head slightly towards the sickly bangaa and sneers at the tubes coming out of the back of his head. "Not like YOU. Can't do a damn thing right. All you had to do is help!"

He picks up one of Trigger's bombs. It begins to rust and corrode in his hand. He lifts it over his head to hurl. Jitters brings his arms over his head and cowers. "I'm sorry, Boss! They had this big guy in armor! He didn't even feel a thing, he was like some big monster! Just crushed Fatback's head in without even a blink!"

Kulgkar starts walking away from Trigger. He tosses the iron sphere behind him. The volatile mix inside it begins to shift from the aura of Kulgkar's corruption, and it bursts into flames ontop of the other bangaa. Every step Kulgkar takes turns the grass black underneath him. Luckily it doesn't seem to affect ale if he drinks it quickly enough. Or maybe he just doesn't mind the taste of shitty ale.

The Dark Knight takes stock of his group. Four soldiers dead. Two Irregulars dead. "By Mephistopheles' Balls, they are going to dock my pay for these deaths. They are going to dock YOUR pay. Because I ain't losing my leisure money." Jitters moans briefly until Kulgkar scowls at him. Then he quickly goes to work piling the somewhat burned soldiers onto a corpse wagon. Kulgkar makes his way over, kicking at Fatback's heavy form with a boot. "Throw him on there too. I know a guy."

He then takes a finger towards Jitters. "And you pull your shit together. I got you out of a life sentence. All you had to do is take a few insane mist experiments. And look at you. Instead of rotting in a dungeon, you are a soldier. I don't care if you are some damn experiment, I'll be happy to let you fall off a wagon by accident. Now get this tub of lard onto the wagon. And careful of his skull, we need it. What's left of it. Then we are headed back to the city on the next airship supply run."

"Where are we going boss?" He asks, since Lucky, the headless bangaa sniper, cannot.

"Prison. I got some space in the gang I need to fill up."