Part the North (4)

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Vazkor has been watching the whole proceedings even as he balances on one of the chunks of ice as the float starts breaking apart... The swordfighter studying Grievier, seeming to look for another opening to attack... But then he looks down, at the one sword he's holding- the other hand still clutching the Stellazzio coin- and watches as the cobalt blade is engulfed in shimmering water magic... The man's lips curling then, showing white teeth in a grin as realization hits only a split second after... And with that, he's suddenly on the move. Moving quick, nimbly, hopping from chunk of ice to chunk of ice, and heading straight for the great beast. The man letting out a loud cry to get Grievier's attention, right before he pushes himself off, and leaps up... His sword a blur in the air as he attempts to connect repeatedly upon the beast's body with his magically powered sword in mid-flight. [Pummel]

Grievier shrieks and bellows as Vazkor slams into him! Slicing deep cuts into his side and flank! Once, twice, three times. The giant beast roars and rears back! Pulling away from the warrior and his magical blade as dark, black blood oozes down his side... seems Thaylorn's water enhancement worked!

Following up with Vazkor's attack, Kier draws two arrows from his quiver, and slowly draws... exhaling a slow breath. With the water magic glimmering around the bow, it infects into the arrows, causing small mana droplets to patter into dust on the boat. The bow is turned horizontal just before he releases, sending twin empowered arrows into the wounds already created by Vazkor!

Kier's arrows sing true! Racing across the intervening space between himself and the giagantic black beast! They strike home, burying themseleves in its flesh and the spritual monster roars and turns to glare balefully at Kier.

Penny keeps pulling her way through the waves and water as fast as she can with the aid of her poleaxe as a makeshift pole, her armor keeping her feet firmly on the sandy floor beneath the water, and the resistance of the water itself keeping her pace rather slow. Still, she soldiers on until she reaches the nearest edge of the ice platform, next to one of the ice-locked boats, climbing her way laboriously back onto dry "land"! Sheflops onto her back once on the ice, and is tempted to take a moment to catch her breath, the water-walk having been something of a work-out, but no rest for the wicked, especially with the fight raging still, and so she rolls over and climbs to her feet.

Allowing his magic to do most of the work, Thaylorn takes a more supportive role in the fight. He moves back away from Griever so that he can focus on keeping the watery enchantment upon the party's weapons. The Imp does his best to appear non-threatening in the situation, mostly by not throwing any more magic and letting the rest of the group do the fighting for now!

Talen had watched Penny go flying, and took a few moments to see if she was alright. Since she was still mobile, and making her way back to the ice floe, he turned his attention to the matter at hand. "Now... how does one get a swallowed coin back?" he asks of no one in particular. "Hmmm!" The viera makes his way in a circular fashion towards the back of the beast, and without skipping a beat... tries running up the creature's tail.

Talen leaps onto Gievier's tail and runs up that tail and just as he reaches the base the beast flicks it up, cracking the boy in the shoulder! The summoner is knocked forwards, his hand sgripping the beasts fur! He's on his back... but... well... he's having to hold on as the monster bucks and roars and screams!

Raziel's head tilts this way then that real quick as his companion's take up the attack. Briefly the man glances at the water which the monster is half within and then he lets out a little growl. Shaking his head a little he begins to motion once again, droplets of water that linger around him hardening as the temperature drops along his wings and frost forms. He suddenly turns his wings forward then, his hands motioning sharply and the icy daggers shoot off of his golden feathers and hands, flying towards the Griever.

Icicles + Shadow Beast from beyond the Universe! Damn Raziel is good! That hurt it, he doesn't sound happy about that. He draws back, bucking and shaking his body! Trying to dislodge Talen! It's tail cracks back and forth, lashing out at the boys body! And somehow, with a scamper, a determined yell and a good grip the viera boy lunges out of the way of Grieviers tail and lands between his front shoulder blades and grabs hold! he is right behing the monsters neck now. Sadly it seems the beast can do more then one thing at once. He turns, lowers his head and roars, lobbing a ball of dark energy directly at Thaylorn! It seems he knows who has super charged the party's attacks and as the crackling ball of energy streaks through the air the water on everyone's weapons wavers and flows... the lines of magically charged water twisting away from Thaylorn. The magical energy tries to block the onrushing ball of darkness but it burns through them cutting off the water magic and slamming into Thay! He's tossed backwards off the ice with a scream as the Gravija attack drops him into the water with a splash! Thankfully there is still a residual charge around everyones weapons but they are going to need recharging after one more attack as the imps concentration has been broken.

Vazkor ends up back on his feet after having jumped and slashed right at Grievier... Landing right next to the great beast, and not wasting much time. The man only briefly noting as Grievier seems to relatiate at something or someone, and then pressing the attack once more himself. The swordfighter spinning himself in a half circle, swinging that Katana in a wide arc, all his power behind it, and aiming right for one of the beast's legs, hoping to perhaps cut a tendon and hobble him with that last water magic charge.

The beast ROARS in agony as that sword does indeed slice into a tendon and with a shriek of agony he staggers and half falls onto his knee glaring daggers at Vazkor! Talen pages, "Okay.... soooooo, what would one need to do to get inside the beast, probably through his mouth... there is a coin to get after all." to you.

Kier looks at the beast for a long moment, then just... puts away his bow. Instead of aiming his last good shot from the still-enchanted weapon, the Viera-trained hume digs into his hunting pack and brings out something that looks like a rough charm made of bone and beads, with a few crystals. He holds it in front of him and begins to incant in the older Viera tongue, and in front of him, lines of power begin to form in the air... not a spell, but the beginnings of what looks like it's meant to be a Caller's summon... except the symbology is not set correctly, it looks more like an equation for a Libra spell! He takes a breath, and attempts to release this makeshift attempt to lock the circle around Griever and bring the attention of the Realm of Water to the abomination here. As the circle tries to glow to life around the beast, he says in the more common tongue, "Let that which does not belong be seen by all."

Kier's spell starts to take shape, the symbols and circles flowing out from his charm starting to snap and flow and flaot on the water. The circle is building but it is slow to form. It look half complete, a if it needs a bit more work! But it is a start, if they can keep the beat occupied long enough then Kier may be able to finish it and summon some help.

Penny watches as the others rain pain down on Greiver, waiting for an opening... And as the beast goes down to it's knees, she spots the opening she was hoping for, levelling her polearm and charging with a fierce yell, the pike-tip of her pole axe's head aimed at the base of Greiver's throat, the mouse building up momentum in the hopes of catching their attacker there and not skewering it through, necessarily, but lifting it up, just far enough that it's forepaws can't get purchase on anything, and letting gravity pin it on the top of her weapon to immobilize it at least a little, to make it that much more of an easier target for the others.

Penny attacks! Her polearm bites into the skin of the monster's chest missing his throat and sadly on the slippery ice she just doesn't ave enough leverage to heave the beast up and trap it as she was hoping! till she hit and did a bit of damage which made the monster grunt in pain.

Blasted beast is too smart of its own good. Especially as it turns its attention in Thaylorn's direction in the form of a deadly gravija spell. Being thrown off the ice as he has been, the Imp remains under the shallow water for a few moments as he tries to recover from the mostly direct spell. Slowely reemerging with an agitated groan Thaylorn tries to steady himself, looking worse than he did before getting hit with that spell for sure. "Oh you stupid bastard, we're going to kill you this time for sure." The Imp mutters as he moves to climb up onto the remaining ice once again. Instead of recharging the group's weapons right away, he prepares another spell to heal the wounds he had recieve. Magic energy seems to flow back and forth between the Imp and Griever, hopefully enough to distract him from Kier! (Drain)

The beast is indeed distracted a Thaylorn' spell sucks out some of its natural life energy and pours it into himelf! He growls and glares at the water imp as the large bruises and grating cracked bones that poor Thay was suffering from as a result of that gravity based spell knit and mend and then the imp starts to sparkle and glow blue... he's perfectly ok now!

Talen hangs on for DEAR LIFE as Griever bucks back and forth attempting to dislodge the viera. He ducks several times as attacks and magic fly at the creature, Talen not wanting to get clipped by something. In a momentarily lull, as the creature tips sideways from Vazkor's crippling, Talen stands and runs up and over the creature's head. As the creature growls at something smacking it hard, the viera swings off of one of the creature's horns, aimed directly at the open maw.

Raziel breaks off from the fight as Thaylorn is thrust back, a quick glare sent at the Griever before he rushes to the side of the ice just as Thaylorn is coming back up. As he launches off his spell the mage makes a quick grab for the imp to pull him back onto the ice flow before he then again turns back towards the monster, with himself between the imp and the much larger foe

As Raziel moves toward Thaylorn he sees there is no need, the water is supporting the imp! He is just standing on a small plume with ease that is holding him up. Talen however then takes the moment to swing around and try and leap into the beasts mouth! Well... Grivier GROWLS And snaps down around the boy as he tries to swing inside! One of those massive fangs can be seen to pierce the boys hand as vanishes into the beasts mouth and with a growl he rolls him around on his massive tongue, yawns wide and then swallows! Gulping the summoner down his throat in front of everyone.....

Vazkor is only peripherally of most the other's actions around him, his proximity to the beast requiring him to pay attention... But he can't help but look up as he watches Talen swing towards that open maw from above... And go right down the beast's gullet! A brief look of shock crossing the swordman's face, followed by one of concentrated anger and intent, as he brings that Katana back around, cocking his elbows back and lining the blade up, its hardened tip aimed straight at the beast's flank... And then THRUSTS forward, hoping Grievier has been wounded and weakened enough that his blade will pierce him even without the water enchantment. And aiming low enough that he shouldn't skewer Talen at that, figuring it'll take a while for the Viera to move through the beast's throat...

The strikes is a good one! Vazkor's sword slams into the beasts flank and the sword shakes and bends as it refuses to pierce the creatures skin. The sword, being a mystical and magical weapon of olden time straightens and kicks Vazkor back a few steps making the swordsman stagger away as the recoil from his mighty thrust sends him reeling a good three feet away fromt he beast. It looks like some magic is needed to harm the beast regardless of how injured he is, and he sure does look injured and he is starting to glow with the same purple light that surrounded him when he arrived... looks like he is planning, or trying to leave!

"Let me be clear, creature...", Kier says as he holds up the summoner's charm, and the inexpert but still potent energy pulsing through it, "You will cough up my brother, you will return the coin... and you will leave. Or I will complete the circle, and you will suffer the consequences. I am given to believe that Leviathan has a temper about it. The kind of temper that destroys things like fleets... cities... islands." He closes his eyes once more and channels more into the charm to put the circle to the point that all it takes is a locking phrase to set it off, and call down the Realm on Greiver. Taking another breath, more Vieran comes out under his breath before he adds, between verses of the nearly song-like language, "To honor your cunning, I give you this... do as I bid, and you may house yourself in my knife, safe from the Realm, and safe from your Mistress... who will doubtless be... displeased... at your failure." His eyes open, cold and unflinching, "Choose." (Repeating Channeling Roll)

It's an impressive speech! But Kier's lacking the magical no-how and power to back up the choic with power. Grievier sneers at the man and then laughs and speaks. "Why should I heed your threat? I have a coin... and I have your brother.... Your power cannot hold me... your call to Leviathan is week and will not pierce the depths.... I shall leave and take them with me in victory."

Taking note of the odd magical aura that is surrounding Griever, Thaylorn prepares for his next spell to toss at the annoying beast. We can't have him teleporting off with Talen inside of him and alll, would be bad! Taking note of how slow Kier's magic is though, he has a minor change of plan. Sliding down the ice the Imp moves to stand next to the man, one arm going up to grab onto his arm...The other, pointing straight towards the beast. "Let me see if I can't give you a little help, maybe?" He remarks as energy once again begins flowing between him, and Grievier. (Siphon)

The dark energy from Grivier's attempt to leave streams out and into the imps free hand... across his body and into Kier's arm! the sudden jolt of extra mana makes the summoning circle around the beast FLARE into bright golden light as it rushes to finishes writing itself and the beast growls in distaste!

Penny retreats again after her failed, at least in terms of what she was hoping to do, attack, though that she caused Greiver pain is, in itself, something of a success of another kind. Still, she waits for another opening as more attacks rain down, preparing her own for the right opening. Vazkor's failed thrust gives her pause, though, and she glances at the head of her poleaxe to see if any enchantment yet resides there. Finding none, she grimaces, commenting after Greiver's and Kier's exchange, "What a bastard!" She braces herself for a hard swing, her weapon arcing around, aimed for Greiver's nose; even if she can't hurt him any more, necessarily, maybe she can distract him enough to delay him, to give Kier and Thaylorn a few more precious seconds to finish what they are doing.

Like with Vazkor's attack.... the pole-arm hits! And bounces off Grivier's skin! Making Penny jerk back and stagger! Seems without that water enchantment people cannot harm the beast. Raziel pages, "I was asking if Raziel could make Kier's bluff more affective as he's got skills in channelling.. but thaylorn leapt in so I don't know if that'll help or won't." to you. Talen slides down through the beast's throat, and into it's belly, unseen to those outside. The spirits fade from his mind, and mana fails and goes dark. "Well. Not foreseen. Gemini, if you have any hope of getting out of this dark place, show me a sign. Let me find ye. And help me cut my way out." The long dagger that Talen keeps for just these occasions is carefully drawn as he stumbles about in the gloom.

Thankfully for Talen, despite the Jagd like properties inside Grivier there is a soft, very faint sparkle of silver... and the coing Gemini floats over to hang in the air before the boy.... flickering nd glowing lightly until he takes it in his hand.

Raziel's brow twitches as he hears Kier's challenge. There is a moment of thought before the mage begins to draw upon his own knowledges and he draws one of his kukri to use the crystal to draw a symbol within the air before him. "I am not a man of many words, so I will say nothing nearly so impressive as the offer my companion gives you.. but as you say as his can't. Mine can." His wings flare out then the gold catching the light and motes of energy sparkling as he attempts to aid in Kier's binding.

CROOM! More power! MORE! Raziel is able to attune his energy flow to Kier's AND Thaylorn and the circle explode with even more light blinding the others. Grivier roars and shy back, jerking himself away from the edge of the circle as it burns on the surface of the water. What's more the lillies are starting to turn their heads... the song that lulled the party to sleep focussing on the beast also, the realm is taking notice.

Vazkor grunts as he's bounced back from his attempted stab, stumbling those three feet, and pausing for a moment even as he scowls and looks up at Grievier... Followed by a glance over at the others as he catches evidence of some large spell being conjured up with combined effort... Looking at Penny then, who's even closer, he simply gives the mouse a knowing nod... And then attempts to rush back in, for another attempt at the beast's flank... Only to be blinded as their spell hits, the man grunting and looking annoyed as he's forced to squint his eyes, and retreat once more, having lost his opening.

Kier replies to Greiever as Raziel takes up the slack, and holds the charm out in front of him, "Your fate is freely chosen. Fire and water are forever in opposition." And he tosses the charm up in the air towards Raziel, so that in the apex of it's arc, it will pause long enough for him to finish the circle, and alert the Realm of the intruder. He makes it look casual even, just lobbing it into the air in Raziel's direction...

The charm sails into the air, glittering and sparkling and Grivier roars as it seems to hang there at the apex of its trajectory! Sparkling and powering the circle holding the beast in place... one more influx of magical energy and concentration and the entire realm of water will be awakened to Grivier's presence.

Penny returns Vazkor's nod, preparing to follow him in, until the spell flares, causing her to wince and turn her head away as she's momentarily blinded! She retreats a couple steps, taking in the chance, and elects to not try to cross the spell's boundary, instead falling back into a defensive stance, in case she is picked out as a target of opportunity for reprisal from Greiver. (Defend)

Thaylorn keeps mainting the energy link between him and Kier, offering as much of Greiver's, and his power as possible to make sure the spell is a success! With the flare of light he closes his eyes, allowing it to follow it's course!

Talen huffs and grunts after a number of experimental stabs to the lining of the beast's stomach. "No wonder our attacks failed. It's like stabbing rock." The viera sighs and huffs. "Against my better judgement, and you do realize I face possible burning and maiming from the first time... but I'm going to need your help to get out Gemini. I don't think I can get past the stomach's upper iris... so we're going to have to get out a different way. Think you could brighten the place up a little?" The viera squints as suddenly a light begins to glow, originating with the coin. And squints harder as suddenly it gets very bright indeed. As Kier throws the charm towards his wings beat once, launching him in the air to snatch the charm with his free hand. In the other he grips the blade. The amber leaves an ark through the air as the sigils of the charm are repeated once again, burning them into the very air itself. "Come watchers of this realm, come guardians.. come and see what invades your sacred depths." He snarls then while making another slashing sigil within the air, "come and be Leviathan's eyes!"

The beast roars and white light seems to erupt from its throat even as Raziel finishes chanting and pours his power out to join Thaylorn's and Kier's! And the whole thing explodes! White light just rolls outward as Grivier all but disintergrates under the blinding Starlit force of the Gemini contained inside the ritual circle the party formed to contain and hold the beast bursts forth! Vazkor, Penny, Kier, Thaylorn, Raziel are all picked up and hurled off the ice-berg to go careening through the air. The coins everyone was holding to protect them from the sleep inducing harmony of the flowers spin and whirl and glitter in the air until with a rather uncomfortable thump the party land atop something hard, wet and uneven. The surface shifts and flows beneath them and as the white light begins to die down they can see a long straight road of blue/green scales beneath them stretching up.. rearing up coil upon coil to the great horned head of the water-dragon hanging suspended in the air above them. There are other figures stood on the waves in front of the dragon, Lady Undine with her trident in hand riding a cresting wave of water, Lord Bismarck hanging in mid-air in a way no Whale ever should, the giagantic clam shell chariot of Siren with the harp wielding mermaid sat within it. The eyes of the water realm have come to see what is going on and what they see... is the burning ritual circle with Talen sat in the middle of it, the glowing form of Gemini in his hands and the twisting, writhing form of Grivier shrinking, screaming... flailing.. glittering... reduced, contained... trapped... a chain seems to form out of the beasts head as the black enamelled, silver backed amulet in the shape of a rearing lion lands in the water in front of the young summoner.... The circle flickers.. flares.... and begins to die down as Leviathan rumbles softly, his gaze turning from the trio of Gemini, Talen and the now trapped Grivier to the form of Raziel and his companions lying on his scaled hide.... Logfile from Chronicles of Ivalice.

   ___  _   _ ____   ___  _   _ _____  ___  _     _____  ____  

The AMS Dao II is currently stranded on the South Pole, now that they have worked out where they are and recalibrated the instruments they are quite, quite firmly in the south pole. They have no idea which direction is North and Home rather then just well North. There is lots of North, it is all north.... it is no doubt full of places to go and people to see and stuff to do. Oh and did we mention the engine room has been ripped to shreds, it is a couple of days work at least just to get things back in working order. But at least for now their is heat and an amazing view of the stars above.....

Azar seeks out both Silmeria and Lee, to ask the same question of both. "What is there for me to do? I've not the technical skills to assist in getting the ship airborn again, and I doubt very much that it's a good idea to go hunting or exploring at the moment."

Silmeria has been staring up at the sky on the deck, consternation writ large on her face. So deep is she in concentration, she actually manages to start at the sound of Azar's voice. "Well," she says, turning and schooling her features into her customary gentle smile, "You could ask the captain to be sure... But, I'd think repairing the engines is going to require a good deal of hauling what's broken out of the way, and any hands would be welcome in moving."

Ainsley has decided not to pester the engineers while they try to get the engine working. She plays with the charm on her necklace, frowning gently at the idea that she may have to use it for something like this, and what could Mog even do to get them out of here? His purview has nothing to do with stars or ice. She stares up at the stars, as if trying to figure out which direction the ship should go, once it's operational. If all else fails... they're going to be delayed for a good long time. She's not being talkative with anyone right this second.

Lee makes to follow along after Ainsley, but pauses at Azar's question, nodding along with Silmeria's answer before adding, "It's as Silmeria says, I'd wager, but if nuthin' else, attach yerself t'someone as an extra pair o'hands. S'what I'm doin', lackin' much in th'way o' technical know-how, m'self, y'know?" With a grin and a two-fingered salute to Azar and Silmeria, he toddles off after Ainsley, intent on being the Scholar's muscle for whatever task she ends up setting herself to.

Marduke sighs softly as he closes his eyes and hangs his head, passing into a moments deep thought. Then he glances up to the sky, "The stars are beautiful arn't they? My grandfather spends every night staring up to them." A faint chuckle then his expresison going more somber. "She made her move well, it will take weeks maybe months for lost ground. By then everything we seek would be moved." He offers nothing more as he disappears below decks, and is soon back up on the deck. He has changed his cothing again, not into warm winter ones, but his fancy blue ones. The blue robes though are still built for warmth, but seem more like one might dress if they were planning to go to court. "I am going onto the ice shelf, anybody is welcome to join me. I still have a move to make here. We can only see if there is anything to be gained." Turning to start off the ship, taking his steps carefully to not slip on the ice and out into the frozen cold.

Mumbling and grumbling could be heard from Kiyo as he worked diligently with the other Moogles to help get the engines back up. "No good... dirty... Kupoing... touched me like that... creep..." Thankfully, the Engine room was warm enough to stave off the cold out there. He worked with the other Moogles to get the Engines back up as quickly as possible. The sooner they were back up, the better.

Videl walks over Marduke, his yellow straw hat's tip wobbling. "I believe, since this is not the fire realm, we should concentrate a degree of our effort in appeasing the proper spirits." The black mage construct says - hands bound behind his back, after his best effort in the engine room. "Naturally, that would require some fire."

Down in the engine room it is not so much heavy lifting as it is sitting down and untangling cables and working out what the various components are and shifting them into piles. It is long, complicated, rather boring work however and it takes a lot of findling with tanglerd cable, strange crystals, static shocks and irate moogles chattering in Mooglish. Kiyo doesn't have any real trouble keeping up with the fast paced sorting and organising of the mogs but Silmeria soon flags, increasingly left behind as the tangles of cable start to all look alike and Azar is soon catching up with her in bafflement unsure what is going on or how it is working. Outside and on deck however the Captain joins the others, leading them downstairs to the passenger embarkation room and opening the hatch and extending a gangplank which makes getting onto the ice easy enough,. However once they are down it is another matter. Videl almost immediatly slips over sliding off a few feet and everyone else has a wobbly few moments to hold onto one another. And lacking proper arctic clothing however it soon hits everyone just how cold it is here under the naked sky... there is no way they can hope to stay here long.

Azar grunts, coming to a stop beside Silmeria momentarily. "Huh. I am not quite sure if what I am doing is useful or if they are now conspiring just to keep me busy and out of the way." The red-head rubs at her brow. "The one saving grace is that it is warm, at least." Silmeria has settled herself down on an out-of-the-way corner, a fistful of cabling in each hand. "I'm... not... sure I haven't already done this pile," she murmurs back at Azar, looking from one hand, then the other. "Have I? They practically look all the same, and what's an arcanodunamic accumulator anyway?"

Ainsley wobbles a bit as they travel onto the ice, and turns to watch as Videl slides about, frowning at the sight. She lets out a sigh, and turns to try to help him balance, only for a moment. She shivers a bit, but her robes help protect her from the cold to some degree. She pulls her hood up over her head, though, and turns to look at the rest of the party. She looks over at Marduke, hoping that just being out on the snow and ice is sufficient for his ritual, and they don't have to go wandering into the wastes. She keeps her eyes peeled for any exotic fiends that might live out here, though. Those damn things can live anywhere. "Th-this better not take too long, or m-my tail will freeze off." Grumpy.

Kiyo just shakes his head at both Azar and Silmeria, sighing. "Just... ugh... I don't know how to help you, Kupo. Sorry." He just goes right back to work sorting 'broken' parts to be reused later, and rewiring everything to try and get at least SOME power back to the Engines.

Lee, once out on the ice, has that moment of wide-feet and spread-arms as he finds his equilibrium on the semi-slick surface of the snow-blown ice, after which, balance mostly found, he does much the same as Ainsley, wrapping himself in his cloak for what warmth it can provide. He follows after Ainsley in a kind of half-shuffle-step, every now and again having to pause as he slips more than is comfortable and has to re-check his balance, and nodding in heartfelt agreement with the scholar, "Aye, wouldn't do us well a'tall t'be out 'ere longer than needs be... I mean, I know high-altitude is cold an' all, even a li'l uncomf'table sometimes, but 'andlin that'n 'andlin this're not quite th'same."

Marduke walks out into the ice and takes a few moments to get his bearings and balance. Then starts off away from the ship. "No fire would be required Videl, it would only hinder what I am trying to do." The summoners voice soft, distant. A glance to Ainsley, but offers no words as he turns and starts walking. After a few minutes of walking and a decent distance from the ship he turns and glances around. Then nods slowly to himself, "Surrounded by ice, on the southern shelf of the world. I surrounded myself in Blizzna's eternal embrace. By the pact of the handmaiden Sharina, let thy vassels call be heard, I reqeust an audiance Queen Shiva." Holding up his staff four orbs of ice form around him and fly up into the sky, leaving Marduke waiting to see if his request is heard.

Kiyo just shakes his head at both Azar and Silmeria, sighing. "Just... ugh... I don't know how to help you, Kupo. Sorry." He just goes right back to work sorting 'broken' parts to be reused later, and rewiring everything to try and get at least SOME power back to the Engines. He wondered if the others out there were having any luck in sorting out their predicament...

Videl's legs kick out from underneath him, his sandals not at all appropriate for the frozen smooth surfaces. Thudding against the ice with an quite uncomfortable fashion, his momentum carries him away, slowly rotating as his body glides away, the brim of his fresh straw hat bent. "This is not the fire realm." Muttering underneath his breath, he struggles back to his feet, or at least kneels, and attempts to make his way towards Marduke. "Also, bring us fire o' mighty Queen! King of fire! We all know what is up with you two!" Videl squirms in place, wide-eyed as he attempts to cast Fire. However, his bound hands do not yield to such spells.

Thanks to Kiyo's work and in part thanks to the help from Azar and Ainsley "Not" helping the lights flicker, there is a hum and various grills and ducts start to come back to life as the heating starts up and most of the lights on the ship come back on! Including the spot-landing lights! Which is a good thing yes! One of those spotlights lands on Marduke as he begins his prayers to Shiva.... his voice calling out only to be rudely interupted by Videl's own passionate cry. There is a moment of light.... a flickering glow as if for a brief moment something was responding and then with a deep BOOM the ice shelf they are on trembles and shakes as if someone just struck it like a gong! The whole thing BOOOMS and shakes and the magical energy around Marduke and Videl collapses in on itself. For a brief moment Sharina appears before the party on the ice. "Your insult has been noted.... Her august majest... or his August Majesty shall reply soon...." and then she is gone as the spell snaps off with a back-blast of magical energy that introduces everyone except the two summoners to the concept of behind the eyes headaches as their connection with the magical world is all but drained.

Azar grins at Silmeria, and looks at the pile she has, and rubs her chin. "I don't think so, Silmeria. Hopefully it won't be too long before stuff is working again. This is really confusing." She looks to Kiyo and shrugs, "It's no problem, Kiyo, we'll get it sorted." And then the power starts to come on, with lights and vents going... and the accompanying blast of warm air once again. And she's about to celebrate when the ship wiggles ever so slightly. "Hhhhhuuuuhhhh... that didn't feel good at all."

"Oh thank Hades, it's wo--" And the priestess is cut off by the blast of magical energy, the spike of pain behind her eyes sending her toppling over to one side, the heel of her free hand against her eye. "....Ow... what... I.... *ow*...."

Ainsley is struck by a wave of magical energy, and staggers on the ice for a moment. Then she leers into the air, and turns to look at Videl like she's going to shove him off his feet. It takes a tremendous push of willpower and patience, and the headache itself, for her to refrain from doing something violent. "Do not do anything like that again," she tells Videl, in a disturbingly calm voice that betrays the incredible fury she has toward him. Then she rubs her face with both hands, and turns to go back up the gangplank, because the cold and her frustration are really getting to her.

Lee staggers, arms windmilling briefly after the blast of magic and the booming ice, managing to keep his feet, though, given his preoccupation with his own balance, he isn't able to give any help to Ainsley; that she keeps her feet as well seems to be as much of a relief to him as his own success in avoiding a fall. Looking back and forth between Marduke, Ainsley, and Videl, he clears his throat, "Ahem, well... That didn' sound like it went e'zactly t'plan, did it?" Moving back to Ainsley's side, he rests a hand on her shoulder, trying to soothe the scholar's quiet rage, "Now, Ains luv, let's not loose our 'eads, eh? I'm sure s'not as bad as all that, jus' a little hiccup, tha'sall."

Marduke stares at Sharina his face going pale. "Insult... has been noted? I..." the summoner closing his eyes a moment and ignoring everything around him. He hmms faintly and glances to everybody and frowns, "Err sorry about that." Then glancing to Videl with a frown, "To summon or try to summon fire when requesting a audiance with the Queen of Ice is a grave insult. Be mindful of the circumstancers you put people into with your actions." Wasted words Marduke is sure, but says them he does anyways. He glances to the other two, "Lee, we shall see how bad it is. I may be credited with the insult as the emissary. Regardless, I will do everything I can to earn back the Queen's good graces. Lady Sharina said his or her August Majesty, so we may be visited by King Ifrit as well, or maybe both. I shall wait here where I did the summoning, Videl you will wait as well." Eyeing the construct to make sure it doesn't leave. Kiyo throws his paws in the air in triumph. "Kupo! Score one for Moogle-kind!" Then an almighty lurch as the ship creaks loudly. "Ohh... what in Mog's name are the others doing out there, Kupo?" He looks at the other Moogles in the Engine room. "I've set up the framework. Getting more power to the engines shouldn't be hard from here, Kupo. I'll return shortly." He'd then head out of the Engine room to look around and see where everyone had gotten to... once he'd spotted everyone else out on the ice, he'd look very incredulously at them all. "What are they doing?" He mainly said this to himself, however, as he just stood on the ship and watched the scene from afar.

The booming gong fades, the creaking and cracking of ice shifting and settling..... and as Kiyo reaches the open hatch-way and Ainsley starts up the gang-plank toward warmth a figure bursts out of the ice about 20 yards away from Marduke in a pillar of flame and erupting steam. He roars to the heavens and stomps toward the group. "VIDEL!" he bellows, "Bring me the wretched cretinc Videl!"

Videl slowly straightens himself to a stand, apparently very unperturbed by the sudden change in things. He tips his head to Marduke. "Do not worry, old chap. The spirits say that all the time, and look, still we stand! It's just a thing they say, to seem more impor-" He attempts to cheer up the summoner - up until the creature from down below makes himself known. Eyes wide, he tilts towards Marduke. "Did he just call me a wretched cretin?" Ifrit stomps to a halt, the ice steaming and hissing around his feet as he glares down at the black mage "YES I did you flaming cretin! How dare you interupt a summoning AND insult my LADY!" He roars again and hurls a ball of flame toward a distance ice flow which promptly explodes. "I will have your HEAD for this Insult!" he points a finger at Marduke. "AND You! What the hell are you all doing here! This is the sacred realms of eternal ice!"

Azar tilts her head slightly, reaching out to gather Silmeria in a hug. "Are you alright? I've got this ringing headache all of a sudden, but you seem to be feeling it harder than I." Then the sound of nearby yelling reaches her ears. "Something is going on outside..."

That's because it's to do with magic," Silmeria mutters, lifting her head a bit. "Help me up, Azar? I... think there's something very, very worrying happening outside, and we need to see it..."

Ainsley is halted on the gangplank when she hears the sound of a TOWERING INFERNO behind her. She turns to look at Ifrit as he stomps across the snow toward them. She watches him as he shouts and thrashes, and obliterates an ice flow in frustration. Her brows raise at the strange offense he takes to an insult to a woman that is his Complete Opposite. Her arms cross, and she seems less angry and more curious and thoughtful. "Hello!" she greets at him, waving a hand, surprisingly okay with his presence despite his anger. "Hi! He's obsessed with fire, apparently, so he's dedicated to you, he just doesn't know the appropriate time to call for fire." Ifrit should know her Pretty Well, she is notorious for decapitating her enemies with fireballs. At least she hopes so.

Lee nods to Marduke and follows after Ainsley as she heads for the gangplank, leaving the Summoner and Construct to do what they need to do... And then, flames erupting from the ice, and he pauses, looking back over his shoulder, eyebrows arched, at Ifrit's Dynamic Entry. He watches as Ainsley addresses the Spirit, arms crossing as he stands off the scholar's shoulder, head cocked slightly, and then, at the point where Ifrit asks what Marduke, or perhaps the group and ship in general, are doing here in this 'sacred realm', he cups his hands around his mouth and shouts to the raging personification of Inferno, "Shemhazzai did it!!"

Marduke is listening to Videl's retort and is frowning more and more, only to get completely startled as Ifrit makes his appearence. Marduke steps back not sure at first what to do in Ifrits rage. Finding that most of it is directed at Videl he glances to the construct, "I suggest you apologize, and quickly." His voice seriuos on this. Then turns to Ifrit, "We were in pursuite of the Whisperers prison, we were getting to close so she transported us here and destroyed the engines of our ship." Marduke's explination very concise and not wasting words. "Though." A touch of a smile, "this means we are getting her to worry, I even pissed the whisperer off good. Got the injury still to prove it."

Kiyo's eyes go wide as the pillar of fire shoots up, and a... something... appears through it! And it sounded very angry at Videl! He was scared... didn't want to approach at all due to this fear... instead, he kept his head down just enough to let his eyes be above the ship's railing so as to continue watching the scene. If he was needed... and he hoped to Mog he wasn't needed... he'd act... but until then, that... whatever it was, too scary-looking to even consider approaching.

Videl pauses briefly, nods his head towards Marduke. "Naturally, what do you take me as, insane?" hops towards Ifrit, with his slippery sandals. "A WRETCHED cretin!" He shouts back, straw hat hopping up and down. "How could I insult her with the truth, are you claiming saying it out loud is AWKWARD for you, how would THAT make her feel?" Wringles his hands free. "Buffooning balloon of fire spouting nonsense all over HER realm! But that is not important, what is important that he - " He suddenly pauses to point towards Lee with his singed gloves. "HE gave up his FIRE for this cause. And here we are, encased in ICE." He crosses his arms across his chest, tilting his head upwards. "So pardon me for thinking our party was lacking in Fire."

Ainsley makes an exaggerated gesture with her arms toward Videl, as if this just proves her point. She also frowns helplessly.

Ifirit is about to speak to Marduke but his attention is drawn back to Videl... his eyes go wide.... wider.... wider....... this is just not how mortals talk to him about Shiva. This is not how PCs react to his presence.... he stomps over toward the Black mage and leans down. "There is a time... and a place to discuss someones relationships.... in the middle of a summoning. In public is not an acceptable place..." he then grins, "I like your balls however, talking back to me.... but... well" he flicks the Mage's hat then turns away back to the others. "I won't be answering your calls for aid any time soon, learn some social manners. I hope you like water...." and with a swish of his tail that knocks the mage over takes two steps and is suddenly a very tall, very muscular man in leather trousers and a vest with fiery red dreadlocks. "Lets go inside and talk. I have come to answer insult and it is answered but whilst I'm here lets see what the rules will permit." He's about 10 feet tall too and shifts visbly down to about six so he can fit inside the door as he heads inside leaving the "water mage" behind.

Azar helps Silmeria to her feet, while more yelling can be heard outside. "I don't know if it's getting better or worse. But at least my head has stopped ringing. Let's get out there and see if we can't put cats back into the bag, yes?" Azar will slip a shoulder under one of Silmeria's arms, "Lean on me a moment."

Silmeria does so, shaking her head briefly as if to clear out a ringing in her ears. "Knowing our luck?" she mutters, with uncharacteristic asperity, and sighs. "Yes... let's see just how much damage has been done..."

Ainsley stares at Ifrit for a while as he speaks to Videl, and then lets out a heavy sigh. Okay so he respects bravery, but not guff. That's good. She rubs at her jaw, soaking in that information for later use, if it ever becomes relevant. She can totally stand up to him... if... she had any reason to. She's gotten less and less inclined to do so over the years, as Spirits are too valuable as allies. She looks over her shoulder at Lee, briefly, smiling at his words. And then toward Ifrit... who is now a six foot tall man with dreadlocks. "Huh." She pauses a beat, stepping aside respectfully for Ifrit's passage. "Can all of the Spirits do that?" she inquires at him, gesturing at his human form. She might've read accounts in a book, but it's better to ask directly.

Lee watches as Ifrit and Videl go back and forth, interested, and perhaps concerned at first, until Ifrit shrinks to person-size. Figuring the worst, figuratively, is over, he starts to smile, somewhat relieved, catching Ainsley's look and giving her a wink, seemingly just for the sake of winking, and steps aside with her, giving Ifrit a respectful bob of his head as Ainsley makes her inquiry to the Spirit of Flame.

Marduke watches the exchange between Videl and Ifrit. Shaking his head slowly, "Social graces indeed. Brave, but foolish. Come Water Mage, we have a guest to entertain." A friendly smile offered towards Videl. Then Marduke turns and starts towards the ship his pace picking up looking forward to getting out of the cold. "Tell the captain we have a guest, bring out the strongest drinks for him. On my expenses for them." Knowing Ifrit likes a good drink and that should hopefully appease the spirit further.

Kiyo scurried away from the gangplank as the... whatever it was... that just shapeshifted into a VERY tall human... would go aboard the ship, attempting to hide from it! By the way he was acting, one might assume he'd never seen such a Spirit before... if even at all. He'd try to find a suitable hiding spot from the approaching humanoid... but with no immediate hiding spot, and out of desperation, he'd just curl up into a ball, wings flapped down flush with his body, and small pom pom huddled next to him... it was uncomfortable, but he now looked... at least a LITTLE bit... like a soot-stained furry ball, with a fuzzy red ball clinging to it. Videl looks blankly, his long pointed ears dark, the green gems serving as his eyes glimmering dully. "Why... do I feel so rational?" He whispers in disbelief, hands gasping at the air. He then shakes his head. "I've... centuries, /centuries/ of fire! Aagh!" He grits his teeth, then points a finger at Marduke. "Don't call me that, or I'll wet your bed." Huffing, he steps after the summoner, muttering underneath his breath as he covers his face. "Salamander is much more reasonable than this adolescent..."

Ifrit nods to Ainsley as he passes hewr, "Of course... when needed we can disguise our aspect..." he pauses then and glances down at the small ball of soot and fluff "I appear to have upset your Moogle however, I suggest one of you take care of it." he then starts on down the corridor, "What ho Captain Farquan nice to see you again and Silmeria too!" he pauses to give Silmeria a big manly uncle hug! And Azar too by dint of him having big arms, "This is a gathering, now then come along Ainsley, Lee pleasure... and Marduke do keep your Mage Construct in check please... talking about Salamander like that... he'd be a lot less reasonable then me!" the spirit man then strides along with Captain Farquan leading the way to the dinning room and the big table. "We must have discusions I can only remain so long. But I am here though not for any reason I can think of other then my own anger so we must talk quickly or I must leave and render you no aid." he motions for everyone to follow then ducks inside and the absence of his presence in the companionway of the ship can be palpably felt.

Azar is leading Silmeria outside, and does look quite puzzled at the group now returning to the ship. "Oh... you've found a traveller? HERE? At the south pole? There must be quite a story, I trust that you're not..." She trails off as it appears that Silmeria knows the rather tall man.. and Azar squeaks girlishly as she's pulled into a large hug. "Okay... the cold weather doesn't seem to have impacted his humor or friendliness."

"Hrrrrk!" Is all Silmeria can get out, before she gets buried in huge, tanned arms, staggering a bit when the pair are finally let go. "I, um... thank you... eh... Uncle Ifrit... It's... surprising? To see you, ah... here..." And the Spirit sweeps away, forestalling the need for further conversation, and Silmeria passes Azar a significant look. "Go after them," she mutters, "I'll take care of Master Kiyo and bring him along. *Hurry,* Azar, there can't be any time to waste at all." With that, she disengages from Azar's side and moves to kneel at Kiyo's side. "It's okay, I promise," she murmurs gently. "He's got a temper, I know... but he's honestly here to help. C'mon, let's go see what he has to say?"

Ainsley scurries along hurriedly. She's happy that it's a pleasure for her to meet Ifrit, because she's always afraid one of the Spirits will go 'AAAA I HATE YOU' at her. Gotta be at least one, right? She makes her way to the dining room, and decides to speak along the way: "We are here because of Shemhazai's meddling. We were heading to the North, and this is most certainly the very opposite end of the world. We need to get to where we were going as quickly as possible. If you can help us with that at all, it would be vastly appreciated, you have my word." She means 'i will add you to the list of spirits i pray to for guidance or just to appreciate,' which is something Ifrit may be privy to.

Lee smiles and nods as Ifrit greets him, "Likewise a pleasure an' honor, Sir."; if there's one thing having a Patron Spirit has taught him, it's to be respectful to Spirits in general, since, if he's not, word would undoubtedly get back to The Father... Then, he's following along in the Spirit's wake with Ainsley while Silmeria gathers Kiyo up, taking over the ushering of Azar as Ainsley gives Ifrit further explanation about their presence here in the frozen southern reaches of the world, and the details of their predicament.

Marduke glances to Videl and shakes his head, "My construct? Oh my no, a recent aquantance. Though Videl, you have centuries of Fire, perhaps it is time to learn about water, balance. You brought this on yourself." Still offering that very friendly smile to the construct. He follows after the group and takes a seat as they enter the dining room. "Indeed, Shamhazzi has at shard in the north cap, while we are in the south. by the time we get back there everything will be moved and lost. Any help, even if it is limited transportation for a few of us, would be greatly helpful."

Kiyo pokes his head out a bit at the mention of Silmeria speaking of 'Uncle Ifrit' as he'd at least heard the name before... but... THIS was Ifrit? He seemed... really scary... then as Silmeria kneeled down next to him and talked to him, he gave her a worried look... but then sighed as he uncurled himself and stretched. "Alright... but only because if I stay out here, I'm liable to freeze my Pom Pom off." He shivers a bit and would follow Silmeria along. "I hope he doesn't burn my fur off..." is heard from under his breath as he follows Silmeria into the dining room with everyone else.

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