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  • Information

The 'Old Man on the Mountain'. Ramuh is typically a wizened old man and very slow to anger. When he does get riled, he calls forth Judgement from the heavens in the form of giant lightning-strikes. He is usually to be found within the Great Akashic Library, that stands atop the highest hill on the Thunderplains. It can be accessed by scholars from the relative safety of the mortal realm. But for those seeking more then a pact, for those seeking his counsel and aid it is best to approach from the Thunderplains; as a sign that you will suffer any hindrance in the persuit of knowledge.

Ramuh can be found studying or browsing the shelves but this is not guranteed. His opinion of people who interupt his studies for frivalous or ill thought out reason's is not favourable. When he is not within the library he is to be found out walking the paths of the world, dispensing wisdom to those he meets, disguised in the guise of an elderly scholar.

He is usually willing to pact with nearly any mortal though his test changes with each encounter. Sometimes he may wish to debate history, other times botany, he may wish to be shown a memory or given knowledge. A kind and benevelent and wise spirit though ones situation must truly be dire before they seek him out for advice though he is always prepared to offer wise council to a cause that truly requires his knowledge.

  • Requirements for Pact

Spirit Connection - 18, Knowledge 20, Alchemy - 20

Test is up to the Judges' discretion. Base it off the PCs sheet

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